"ADONTEC GPS Receiver Library" offers an easy to use API to handle GPS data frames once received. Using the "ADONTEC GPS Receiver Library" one can check, analyse, extract and convert fields and values out of a received GPS data line. The "ADONTEC GPS Receiver Library" supports the widely used NMEA 0183 frame standard.
This library is an add-on to a SuperCom library (e.g. serial, TCP/IP). Collect GPS NMEA frames with a SuperCom serial library or SuperCom for TCP/IP library and extract the data items interested in using this GPS Receiver Library.
This software combination provides fast results! Small samples available for many compilers.
Limited Time Offer
The "ADONTEC GPS Receiver Library" is currently shipping Free of charge to an actual SuperCom purchase.
What do I need to work with?
In order to use the "ADONTEC GPS Receiver Library" one needs a SuperCom software package that supports serial or TCP data communication (e.g. #626, #615, #633, not #627). The following is a short list of some SuperCom serial development tools.
Examples:Many client samples (C++, C#, Delphi, etc.) included. A simple NMEA 0183 TCP server also included.