The RS-232 to TCP/IP GateWay
A Ready-Made application. Use it as is or customize it, if needed !
Install the COMM-Server on the PC where the serial devices are connected to. Connect to the COMM-Server with any TCP/IP client from your remote office and read, write data from and to the serial devices.
The COMM-Server PC can be located anywhere as long it's connected to a TCP/IP network.
The COMM-Server applications exists for Visual Basic 6 and C# incl. source code! Customization or porting it to C++, Delphi or other programming environment is easy ! A realy simple but yet powerfull application. No tons of code lines as one might expect but a realy lean application thanks to the portable SuperCom API.
Using the SuperCom Suite one can develop simple client/server application and Gateways in order to read data from remote serial ports as fast as if it is local.
Yes. At one side you collect serial data using SuperCom and using the same SuperCom functions your application is handing over the data to the TCP side.
Routing data from a remote serial connection to a local PC using SuperCom Suite functions is usually as fast as if it were local. The TCP network is a candidate that could add a small delay but that is not really a size. Usually the serial data communication is the slow medium. So using SuperCom to accomplish this is definitely an upgrade compared to RDP.
SuperCom doesn't UDP. UDP is not as safe as TCP is, even if you add checksums etc. UDP is not suitable for a data streams. You are going a major risk to get garbaged data on receiver side.
The other issue is to have a stable link and the data transfered from serial and TCP synchronized. That is the job of a software like SuperCom. If the software failes here the link will cause delays and timeouts.
Of course. The COMM Server finaly behave as a TCP server. Once the client connected it can read, write data to and from the serial ports. And in case the client requires any special functionality (e.g. authentication) you have the source code to customized it as you require.