Over the years miscellaneous options were needed by customers to overcome limitations so the protocol was enchanced (e.g. data filtering, data replacement).
SuperCom has included the most, which makes this protocol module very flexible for text data and file transfers and also for transfering CNC files. Thus the protocol default options can be changed by using the SuperCom ASCII Options.
The ASCII Protocol offers offers not many security mechanism to detect and correct distorted data.
Security measures at the receiver (buffer overflow etc) are seized through the flow control. If no security measures are needed the flow control can be inactive.
The ASCII protocol supports the following features by default:
- Data is send or received without any translation.
- The receiver will be receiving data until the character
EOF (ASCII 26) is received.
- The sender will transmit all data in the file including any
EOF characters.
The ASCII protocol module will skip the characters CR (13), LF (10), EOF (26) or NULL (0), if the corresponding bit is set.
Strip the character CR (ASCII 13).
Strip the character LF (ASCII 10).
Strip the character EOF (ASCII 26).
Strip the character NULL (ASCII 0).
The ASCII protocol module will take actions based on which of the following Options are set:
Send LF after CR.
Send CR before LF.
Dont’ stop on EOF(26). The receiver will continue receiving data even if an EOF is received. The receiver will close the file only after a Timeout. The Timeout value can be altered using the option FLAG_ASCII_TIMEOUT.
Stop on EOF (26). Sender will stop the file transfer if it encounters an EOF.
Changes the default timeout. If a timeout occurs the receiver will stop receiving and close the file. The standard Timeout value is set to 1 second.